525 London Road, Thornton Heath
Surrey, CR7 6AR
Tel/Fax 020 8684 8200
Emergency 24hr:
07949 176 786

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Facilities at the Centre


Welcome to the Croydon Mosque & Islamic Centre website

CMIC is well attended with over 9,000 people passing through the Mosque during an average week; this increases to over 30,000 people per week during Ramadan. CMIC serves a diverse Muslim community in and around the London Borough of Croydon which numbers 20,000 and includes Muslims of Pakistani, Indian, Bangladeshi, East African, Somalian, Turkish, Afghan, Middle Eastern and Bosnian origin amongst others.
Read more about the centre...
Press release - 22 April 2019: "Croydon Mosque & Islamic Centre (CMIC) unequivocally condemns the horrific and cowardly attacks in Sri Lanka. Again, as with recent events elsewhere, it is tragic when places of worship and hotels are brutally and indiscriminately targeted.

Our thoughts and prayers are with all those effected by these terrorist attacks in Sri Lanka."

Attacking Public Spaces is not Jihad, it is Terrorism! Read more...
Phase III Appeal
We urgently need £450,000 to complete the Phase III Extension

- To increase Masjid capacity
- To provide dedicated area for Sisters
- To improve Wudu & Janazah facilities a!--

See IQRA TV (Sky Channel 826) to give your 'Lillah / Sadaqah Jariya' for this worthy cause.

Call Donation Hotline Numbers at the above times quoting Croydon Mosque & Islamic Centre 020 8523 2050 / 020 7084 7199


Latest Announcements

There are no latest announcements at the moment

Travel Plan

The CMIC Management seeks to address issues of the Greener and Public Transport Options for Methods of Travel to and from the Mosque. Furthermore, CMIC promote safe cycling and walking routes, healthy living options, and seeks to identify and implement improved safety practices on the site.

Latest Janazah Information

There are no latest announcements at the moment

Note: Janazah Salaah is conducted at the Masjid at the times given above.

Volunteers for the Ghusl are welcome. If you wish to become a volunteer or for more information about the Janazah services offered by Croydon Masjid, please see our Janazah Services page or contact:
Janazah Line 07405 252 725
Br. Imran Khan: 07737 198 766
Br. Haroon Okhai 07949 176 786
M Parvez Saumtally 07963 164 028

New Women's Wing now officially open

Croydon Mosque & Islamic Centre (CMIC) takes great pleasure in announcing that the official opening of the Phase III centre occurred on Sunday 29 July.

The new wing is specially designed to meet the needs of the community and specifically the needs of ladies who attend. The dedicated space will allow for courses, teaching, services and social gathering also to be held.

It is a matter of some pride for the community that the £1.3m for the construction of the new wing was funded entirely by the community.

Phase III was conceived a decade ago and now allows CMIC to operate at full capacity and consolidate its position as one of the leading masjids in the UK.

The official opening was attended and conducted by the Mayor of Croydon Cllr Bernadette Khan.

An open invitation was extended to the community to attend and participate in this momentous event for the Muslim community in Croydon and the surrounding areas.